A highlight on the 18th Career Day in Varna 2019: ONSITES congratulates the three lucky career raffle winners
10 min.
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10 min.
One of the highlights of ONSITES‘ presence on the 18th Career Day in Varna in 2019 was a raffle. The company congratulates the three winners on getting hold of the prize – as well as the new job.
On March 18, 2019, ONSITES presented itself alongside 41 other leading employers from the Varna region on the 18th Career Day of the largest career forum in Bulgaria, i.e. “National Career Days – a good career, a good life“, which was held at the Palace of Culture and Sports. The company had more than 200 visitors at the ONSITES desk, of whom the majority participated in the raffle. The winner of the first prize – a high-quality tablet – was Denis, a third-year student of computer science at Varna Technical University. The second and third prize – an electronic notebook – went to Elitsa and Vasil. The winners were congratulated and welcomed to the premises of ONSITES by the CEO, Dr. Mathias Kunze, personally. Since the winners had also been applying for a vacant job at ONSITES, they subsequently took part in an extensive personal interview as well as an aptitude test. Elitsa conducted a two-step aptitude test which she successfully passed. As a result, she was hired as a digital marketing specialist. Denis and Vasil, too, conducted a two-step aptitude test, with the outcome that both of them obtained an internship which in the case of successful completion will be followed by an employment contract. The degree of motivation, ambition and stamina, as well as the professional knowledge, skills and abilities the three applicants revealed during those tests show that they have what it takes; for the fire from within is as important as personal intelligence.